0 thoughts on “Images tagged "cephalopod-mollusc"

  1. Jeff Church

    I had a old surfing friend from Santa Barbara that had cancer the same time as Rell.She used to call him and encourge him.She was sick at time herself,but she was still looking out for others.I never had the chance to meet her but fell in Love with her like so many others.The Mother Teresa of Surfing

  2. john kruse

    in your story about my brother eddie, first its a good one but you have some inaccurate info,so here goes as i saw it: 1.north star is hokupa’a, hokule’a is actually acturus in ursa major star group 2.there was no leak, however, one of the starboard hatch covers blew off from a large wave so when trying to put a bungee strap on the cover, more water poured into this compartment, making the waka list to starboard(right side), eddie was trying to steer the waka off to starboard, and at the same time crewmembers were called up to “all hands on deck”to bring down the sails/cut them down to take the wind off of sails, we were going about 8 knots heading towards kamalapau wharf on lana’i island, but because the listing to starboard and sails were still full on wind, the portside hull slowly lifted up and went over, 3. the aircraft was a hawiian airlines commercial flight coming from kahului airport, maui, this was the second to the last flight, so when heard the sound, leon fired a red flare(distress signal) towards the sound of aircraft,consequentually, the flare came up almost in front of aircraft cockpit, the pilots came below the lower clouds and saw the waka upside down with crewmembers clinging to the portside hulls swimstep, all in all, good to get right info, theres not a singleday that goes by that i don’t think about that time, i miss him, ka kite ano-jk

  3. admin

    Hi John,
    Thank you for your detailed response to Rex’s story. She spent a lot of time talking to many people trying to get it right. Rex knows a lot of people on the north shore surf community. We’ll look at the story and update with some of your comments.
    Matt Eagle

  4. Pingback: Surf Events in Oahu | What's Hot Hawaii?

  5. Pingback: south shore VS north shoreOahu Surfing Experience

  6. Pingback: Haleiwa Family Suite for Green Living | Polynesia

  7. Pingback: Haleiwa Romantic Suite for Green Living | Hawaiian Islands

  8. Pingback: 2016 HAWAII SURFING EVENTS STATE-WIDE OR – mauibenjamin

  9. Pingback: 2016 HAWAII SURFING EVENTS STATE-WIDE /O – mauibenjamin

  10. Pingback: 10+ Free Things to Do on Oahu - Lady of the House

  11. Barbara Radbel Myers


    My husband and I are traveling to Hawaii for the first time….I would love to know more about the Hawaii Surf Association Series….I understand you will be in Oahu, November 7, 2016. Can you inform me of the particulars. We will be staying in Honolulu until 11/9 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Are there going to be buses or some type of transfer services to the North Shore….Is there a cost for being a looker…..and want to watch the talent of the surfers….I also recently saw a surfer who lost her arm to a shark attack…..I was president of the National Wheelchair Basketball association for Juniors. I was just inducted to the Hall of Fame for my love and time for the development of Physically Handicapped children across the United states. I love sports and am so excited to be in Hawaii and then to be able to watch a sport that I’ve never witnessed in person….is so exciting to me….Thanks for any information Barbara Radbel-Myers

    1. admin

      Most surf events in Hawaii occur annually. July should be a good month for south shore events. Follow my calendar and follow the event promoter.


        Aloha this seems to be old dates when will it be updated for all contests for 2017?
        please advise
        Mahalo Sara

  12. Pingback: Travel Advice to help you make the most of your trip to Oahu – Moana Blu

  13. Pingback: ハワイのサーファーロコの一日の過ごし方は、どんな感じなの? | Dive to Hawaii

  14. Deb

    I’d LOVE to be able to rent a house right on the beach for one of these championships. It’s been a lifelong dream to live there, however that’s been impossible. I have been Blessed being able to visit Waikiki and driven along the North Shore twice in the last 5 years..but since seeing true paradise I have not been able to visit my own Beach, Virginia Beach. I have this one last trip left in me, where would you recommend for the best view?

  15. Bill Allen

    Jimmy and Rabbit taught me how to surf back in 1956! What a legacy!! Propliner travel was like going to a different planet!

  16. Nadine Tremblay

    Is it free to see the competition at banzai pipeline the january 5 and 6?
    Is it in the morning or afternoon?

  17. Cindie Ogata

    Is there anything about how to keep our ocean’s clean? Or how to be a good visitor? If not, may I contribute?

  18. renee

    i was wondering what longboarding contest are happening this year that anyone over 18 can enter if you could please email me.
    mahalo xx

  19. Courtney

    Is the North Shore Surf Shop Pro Junior from March 16 to the 27 at the banzai pipeline still on for this year? If so what times?

  20. jerry moore

    Dear Sir/Madam
    Am Mr Jerry Moore and i would like to order STAND UP PADDLE BOARD from you and would like to know if you have some in stock as well as the prices and payment options.Thank you and waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.



  21. Paul Hagen

    My grandson may be in the menehunie Surf contest in Haleiwa In October… I am trying to get his uncles together and for us all to come over from California .. it may be his last year in this contest and we want to support him all we can …. I know it is difficult to know when the contest will be .. but if you could give me some idea of what the window will be .. I can get tickets for us toco e over .. any response from you would be appreciated
    Mahalo Paul Hagen

  22. Jason

    Aloha — I enjoyed your article. A good intro to SUP and lots of good tips included in it.

    One of the things that I’ve noticed is really lacking in our sport is educating parents on children’s SUP safety practices. I just put together a fun little infographic which has an easy checklist that parents can follow to keep their kids safe on the water this summer — maybe it’s a resource that would help some people here.

    Here’s the link — if you like it, I’d be so appreciative if you would help me spread the word to parents:


    Keep up the great work, and happy paddling!

  23. Duggar

    Aloha where to get more info on this event below?
    North Shore Surf Shop Pro Junior Surf Sunset Beach 1/18 – 1/28
    Interested to participate!?

  24. Thad Ferguson

    Thank you for your information page, got a question about Hawaiian dive law… so from what I am seeing here is if you have your own equipment and tank can you pop your dive flag up and enter the water anywhere?

    Or are there reef fees, local laws prohibit or prohibition on diving?

    Just wondering i will be there soon and need to know the local laws regarding where I may go and not go and the fees involved as I prefer not to dive with dive your company’s as the guide tends to have a few hundred dives guiding me with over 8 thousand dives most of witch are solo photography and bio-marine research dives. When I dive I like to have purpose and those with me not just swimming under water, hurrying to see everything while they are nothing.

    Thanks for your help


  25. Pingback: 5 Fun Winter Destinations – Live Well and Wander

  26. Kelsie Greene

    I want to give away free merchandise at a surf contest with my companies logo on it. I also want to set up a photo backdrop where people can take photos in front of. Who do I contact about getting that approved?

    1. admin

      Hi Kelsie. Most of the events are organized individually, unless you are interested in the World Surf League events. They will be most difficult to get a booth or even a return email. For most of the smaller events you will need to go directly to the contest organizers/promoters and inquire about getting a booth. Target a few events and it shouldn’t take long to get in touch with their marketing team. Good luck with your product and let me know if you need more help.

  27. Matthew hanna

    Rabbit taught me how to surf at the age of 8 something that changed my life forever I’ll always think about him and my time spent with him I remember not wanting to leave Hawaii rabbit also taught my mom how to serve 24 years earlier at the Royal Hawaiian also he pretty much put me on the path that I see is my identity is a surfer now I now live in San Clemente so I can be next to the waves in the ocean that I still love I think about those days in 1968 all the time I’m so glad to hear that he still alive thanks rabbit period. Matthew Hanna also known as flounder by my beach buddies cuz I had to have a cool nickname like the Beach Boys Oahu

  28. Natalie Sander

    Why are the dates listed without years? Why are the dates for Buffalo’s and Rell Sunn not listed as the 2018 dates? Your website dates are so outdated. I don’t know about the others as I am only looking for Makaha surf competitions. It’s so frustrating to look for surf competitions and find them at least two years back dated. Please update your website .

    1. admin

      Hi Natalie. Thank you for your comments. Keeping up with the local surf contests is quite a challenge. Most events happen around the same weekend or time frame each year. The permit process is a mess in Hawaii and the C&C of Honolulu is working to improve the contests system. One of the most important aspects of the surf contests is to not overrun the breaks during the peak surf times. Local surfers need the waves just as much as the contests do. Because of the uncertainty of the events, I choose to give a general time frame of when the events occur. If you are particularly interested in certain events during a certain time, I suggest you Google the event and find our their scheduled dates/holding periods and/or contact the promoter directly.
